Destination: Asheville, NC
The third stop on the tour had us rolling into Asheville, NC last night, where we had a chance to hang out with some awesome friends, Regina & Corey, and make a bunch of new ones too!
Chillin' with the Asheville PUG!
Meet Detra! After the meeting we had a chance to grab dinner with the group, and she was so sweet to come up and introduce herself and ask if we could grab a picture. She's been reading along on the blog for a while and I'm so glad we all got to meet in person! What a doll!
After dinner we headed over to the McNabb pad to check out Corey's AWESOME studio...and to try some of these chocolate martinis we've been hearing so much about!
Chillin' with McNabb
Corey's lovely wife Jill... who makes the BEST chocolate martinis ever!!
I grabbed this one of my love while playing with Cory's D3 and 200mm f2 lens. (at iso 5000)
Kicking back with our 'tinis.
Good times!
YEAH! So glad you guys were able to come. Everyone was super excited and impressed! I hate that you have to drive home in yucky weather. LOVE YOU BUNCHES!!!
I had a great time hanging out with you two. I learned a lot as well; thanks for sharing at the PUG. Have a safe trip home!
Thanks Mary and Justin for the knowledge and sharing your experience. Just started a blog today!!!!!
WOW...looks like you guys had a blast!! So glad the PUG tour is going well!! That last picture looks like you all had two too many Chocolate "tini's"!!! :)
My Corey....My Justin... My Mary...
I am so way jealous!
Thank you SO much for coming. Your presentation was FABULOUS! After meeting you both, I totally understand why you make "lovemarks" everywhere you go!!
Oh my goodness I can't believe you really put me on your blog, flat hair and all, LOL. You are the two sweetest people I think I have ever met! I can't imagine anyone not falling in love with you right away! I had the BEST time and am so glad I got the chance to hear your presentation! You guys rock!!! Thanks for sharing everything!!!
They say that you can't pick your family, but serisouly I would not have picked more photogenic and beautiful people to be in mine.
You guys ROCK!!!!
Keep up the amazing work!
Chocolate Martinis? the D3? 200mm 2.0 lens?
um, I guess our pug better step it UP! LOL
Yall just seem like such a cute couple who has a blast together!
looks like a super fun photog hangout ;o)hey thanks for the dropping by my blog! Love your work - will def be back! blessings....
WOW! You it looks like you guys were really having a ball!!! I sure wish that PUG tour included a stop near me! I'd love to meet you guys.
Awesome shots of the billboards and sombrero!
Can't wait to see more!
Darn.. i miss all of those rockin' times with the puggers!!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh so jealous!
you got to do lots of things that I love! and I didn't get to see you :(
Feb needs to come faster.
So sad we didn't get to see you guys, only 1.5 hours from our new home in Greenville!!! Next time you'll be down this way, plan to stop by and visit :)
You guys ROCK! Thanks for coming down and hangin'!
you guys are the best!! we heart you all so much!!
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