"For you I would bring a bouquet of chocolate Reese cups"
I flung back the quilt my great-grandma had made and pulled myself up off the couch. I tromped dramatically to our bedroom, flung myself on the bed beside a soundly sleeping Justin, and promptly burst into tears. Ugly, sobbing tears. Julia Roberts crying scene kinda tears. The kind of irrational, incoherent "Don't talk about me like I'm not here" Steel Magnolia tears that only a sleepless night of sickness can bring.
After feeling so much better for the past couple of days and finally thinking I had this thing kicked, it came back out of hiding last night to rear its ugly head with all the force of a preemptive air strike. I tossed. I turned. I fluffed my pillow. My throat felt like I had taken up sword swallowing in my spare time. And breathing took all the effort of running a 10k marathon. Three episodes of "Without A Trace" later I finally drifted off into a fitful slumber for a grand total of three hours. Three whole hours. I was miserable. And misery loves company.
"What's wrong little one?"
Despite desperately wanting to give an articulate account of the hours that stretched behind me, I just sobbed louder. He smiled a little, kissed my forehead, and pulled the quilt up around me. It's a good quilt.
"I'll go get you some orange juice."
He came back from the corner store, bags in hand, and proceeded to shuffle things around in the kitchen. He was in there for what seemed like forever and I started to whimper again. Finally he came in carrying my orange juice-Airborne morning mimosa....and this. A bouquet of chocolate reese cups. Now that's just what the doctor ordered.

My poor little kitten! I hope you feel better - it was great to see you yesterday and so fun photographing you both :) xoxo
Aww... How sweet Justin!!! Mary, I sure hope you get to feeling better soon! I will say a prayer for you! XOXOXOX's
Feel better, Mary! What a sweet story... where can I get one of those husband things? Sounds pretty good :D
Hope you feel better soon Mary, looks like Justin's helping the process! What a swell guy :)
Your husband is the BEST! That looks like a lot of feeling better and totally the sweetest.
Hope you are less miserable very soon.
Thanks for your comment! Yes, she is a wonderful friend and I am blessed beyond measure!
I love your work! I'm new to the photo world so to speak. I've been shooting for 12 years but just now making serious steps for this to be my 100% income. I've so enjoyed networking and meeting other photographers.
Looking forward to seeing more of your work!
Oh that is just too sweet...looks yummy - I want a bite!!! I have the same nasty cold and I can't wait for it to please just end already!!! Hope you feel better soon.
How sweet is that!?!? I hope you feel better, Mary! :)
awwww! :)
That Justin's a good guy! I hope you feel better SOON Mary!!!
Oh poor Mary...you looked like you felt so much better yesterday! Maybe Justin can make you a chicken soup bouquet ; p
Get better sweetie!
Love, Krystal & Paul
Awwww....Mary that really sucks that you're so sick, but had it not been for that, you might not of gotten this little reminder of how much Justin loves you!!! So thoughtful Justin!!! You guys were a riot yesterday and I thought it was so giving of you both to take time from doing what we all know you love to do (shot people) to be our models and help us grow...bravo guys!
Mary, I hope you feel better soon :)
You got yourself a keeper there my love ;)
I want one!
I {heart} Justin...SOOOO cute!
Now I'm craving chocolate reese cups. Darn!! Counting down the days guys. I am coming back to Connecticut at the end of June to July for back to back weekend weddings. So we definitely need to meet up.
What a sweet heart! Airborne mimosa huh... do those work? =)
OMG!! You guys are just toooo stinking cute!!! I hope you are feeling better!
That is SO cute... how wonderful to have someone to take care of you like that! Nice work, Justin!
That's entirely too sweet! Hope you're feeling better!
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