Feelin' Resolute

Well, let's face it...when it comes to New Year's resolutions, they are so Out that they're just about back In again. And being ones who always like to stay on top of the latest trends, we thought we'd go ahead and list a few of ours! :)
To wake up earlier: I can't believe how much more I get done when I wake up early. Plus, who knew the light could be that awesome in the morning! :-)
To always be armed with my camera: I did the the whole eight weeks we lived in London in the summer of '05 and because of it I was able to capture some pretty crazy pictures of London winning the Olympic bid one day and being bombed the next.
To go skiing and make it all the way down the mountain on my feet: neither of us has ever gone skiing and we're making this year the year we do it! Next year I'll go for the helicopter!
To start the official Justin Marantz bi-weekly poker night: who's in???
To find something to do with the massive collection of clothes I seem to be acquiring: dang, it's hard work lookin this good! :-)
And...To own all of the following: bose noise reduction headphones for all of the traveling we do, a dart board for the losers at the poker table, maui jim sunglasses because they're just that cool, an HD LCD screen...is 72in too big?? and...a Tesla Roadster
HAPPY 2008!!!
To start reading ferociously: topping the list are "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" "The World is Flat,"
"The Purpose Driven Life," "Blink," and to re-read "How to Win Friends & Influence People" for, oh, the fourth time or so.
To clean out my makeup bag once and for all: Ok, so guys you aren't going to get this one but trust me the ladies will. How is it possible to a) accumulate that much makeup that fast and b) for the bag to get so darn messy no matter how recently you've cleaned it out? Well, in '08 I pledge to go in there with a blow torch if I have to, but it will be clean! Same goes for any of the remaining junk drawers and cabinets that have not yet felt my wrath.
To finally grow my hair out: I've been growing it out for the past two years and it has been going achingly slow...probably because I keep getting it cut. But I only have about three more inches to go and in '08 they're mine!
Gotta steal one of J's here...To FINALLY find something to do with the massive collection of clothes I seem to be acquiring: dang, it's hard work lookin this good! :-) (For what it's worth we've already donated over 30 bags to Good Will since November, but I think it's definitely time for another run!)
To drink even MORE water than I already do: Ok, I seriously already drink about 3 nalgene bottles full of water everyday, but in this dry New England cold it still doesn't seem to be enough.
And finally...To visit more blogs, more often: we get SO many awesome comments & emails from people just checking in with us and I resolve to be so much better about returning the favor! So if you read this blog (even if you've never left a comment before, do it now!), leave me your blog addy in the comments and I'll make sure to add you to my reader!
Have a very safe & blessed New Year!! And to all the people who read this blog, thanks so much for sharing our lives with us this past year. Here's hoping 2008 is twice as fun!!