I think it's catching!!
Ok so I'm sure a bunch of you have seen DJ's hummingbird video by now and if you haven't you should definitely get yourself over to his blog and check it out HERE. It's amazing!! And, well...I think it's catching!

The craziest thing EVER just happened! We were literally *just* driving back from going food shopping and Mary was looking out the window when she shouted "OMIGOSH!! It's a lizard!!" Looking in the rear view mirror, sure enough there was THE. BIGGEST. LIZARD. I have ever seen in my entire life... second only maybe to Godzilla. It was close to four feet long head to tail and it was crawling its way right into the middle of traffic. So I popped a U-ey worthy of The Italian Job and we raced back to stop traffic. Another guy had also seen it and he was blocking traffic the other way. He called his girlfriend who works for a vet and the four of us proceeded to try to figure out how to get this spike-covered beast into one of our cars. It was right about then that "Spike" decided to make a run for it. You should've seen the four of us chasing him through the parking lot and in and out from under cars. Unfortunately, it looked like he was pretty dehydrated so we followed him around the parking lot with one of Cooper's water bowls and some ice cold Poland Spring. By this time there were 5 other cars that had stopped to see what was happening and everyone was getting in on the action. One lady went to grab a box, another a towel. Mary ended up giving up her jacket so the vet could wrap him in that to pick him up. Once he was out of harms way, we ran back to the car to get the video camera... and "AHHHhh!" The battery was dead! Sorry guys. It was a sight we SO wish you could've seen! I seriously do not know what is going on with all these crazy animals...but, if you happen to be missing a green 4 foot iguana, please leave a message!!