Temple (Street) of Doom
So we had gotten a call from the lovely Jacklyn telling us about a cool 1950s film set that was in downtown New Haven, and we were super-bummed that we couldn't go check it out with her because we had so much work piling up (blech!). But then when we went downtown to do Savannah's shoot, we stumbled upon the movie trailers! Then we were walking around and Scott found a bunch of cool old cars lining Temple Street. Turns out it was for the NEW Indiana Jones movie(!!) and they had turned a whole block of New Haven into a flashback to the early 50s!! All of our favorite shops had been transformed into their old school equivalents. It was perhaps one of the coolest things I've ever seen! Check out a few of our favorite details from the shop windows.
Doesn't this bride look demonic?!

That is so COOL! I heard they were making another Indiana Jones movie - now I know it's true ;)
Very cool guys!
I hear about this on NPR - so jealous that you got to see it. Apparently they are moving out by the weekend so I guess by next Thursday it will be but a memory :(
Holy crap - I wish I could have gotten there to see that (a street transformed to the 1950's---sounds liike a dream come true for me!)
Robert, we TOTALLY thought of you when we were down there! We were telling Savannah & Scott about your ebay collection!
Yea Krista, I think it's due out in '08! I can't wait! I LOVE Indiana Jones movies...except Temple of Doom freaks me out pretty bad.
I've been in love with Harrison Ford ever since the very first movie... can't wait for this one! I love your evil bride photo!!!
I know right!! Super HOT! and he's one of those guys who stays hot even with age. Air Force One is a personal favorite..."GET OFF MY PLANE!!"
That must of been way cool to see! I always miss the cool stuff:( got any more pics?
nope that's about all we grabbed because we were on a shoot, but there were soo many cool windows! Claire's Corner Copia was turned into an old timey bakery and it had all these 1950s-esque wedding cakes in the window with the cool old toppers. We would've grabbed a couple shots of that but there were construction crews all around it taking everything down.
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