Life is nothing short of crazy for us lately. Y'know, crazy in the most amazing ways possible...but crazy nonetheless! Yesterday in the car, with a million things running through my head, somewhere in the background I heard Justin say, "ok, what's up?" Blinking back to reality, I looked down to see the white knuckles of my hands clasped ever-so-tightly together and very quickly became aware that I hadn't taken a breath in quite some while. In classic bride style...that's been happening a lot lately. :)
That's why I'm so, so grateful for the shoot we did yesterday and the times in life that make us just stop and smell the roses...or sunflowers as the case may be. Jill had emailed us to do a Portrait House shoot of her family after she saw the shoot for Savannah here on the blog, and last night we got to meet up with them & the kids and hang out for a bit. What a breath of fresh air. Honestly, you could not ask for a sweeter, funnier, or kinder family. We had the best time hanging out with them on the beach and then headed over to Buttonwood Farm to check out the sunflower fields right at sunset. It was amazing! Seriously one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen... and after that, we got ice cream! I live for days like this!!

Jill grabbed this shot of us with the sunflowers. She actually got another one that was tack sharp...but we thought the blur one was too much fun!!

And this was the line for the ice cream. Crazy! But oh so worth the wait!

If I hadn't already gotten the message loud & clear...the world has a funny way of making sure we get it!

I am so thankful for the amazing places this life of ours takes us, and even more so for the amazing people we come across because of the journey. We are so blessed.
RIDICULOUS!!! So beautiful. They must be going through the ROOF for these! I am totally bringing my off spring there this week for another dress up shoot- thanks for the inspiration!
I love days like that! how fun!
now, don't forget to breathe, and you'll be all set :)
WOW! I totally love the girl on the wall, what an awesome shot!
Ha ha, love the portrait of the two of you! ~ Enna
thanks Eric!! the best part is that she just hopped right up there with her arms out like that with NO prompting at all! It was awesome!!
hahah thanks Enna! any reason to smooch right?! :)
I am soooo in love with these pictures!! It's like you guys have known us forever, you captured us PERFECTLY! And Yes I shot through the roof when I saw these!! Justin and Mary are the best ever...Period. (I'm gonna book em now for the girls weddings!) Now, I think it's time for my digital photography lesson...
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