The third stop on the tour had us rolling into Asheville, NC last night, where we had a chance to hang out with some awesome friends, Regina & Corey, and make a bunch of new ones too!
Chillin' with the Asheville PUG!
Detra! After the meeting we had a chance to grab dinner with the group, and she was so sweet to come up and introduce herself and ask if we could grab a picture. She's been reading along on the blog for a while and I'm so glad we all got to meet in person! What a doll!
After dinner we headed over to the McNabb pad to check out Corey's AWESOME studio...and to try some of these chocolate martinis we've been hearing so much about!
Chillin' with McNabb
Corey's lovely wife Jill... who makes the BEST chocolate martinis ever!!
I grabbed this one of my love while playing with Cory's D3 and 200mm f2 lens. (at iso 5000)
Kicking back with our 'tinis.
Good times!