Kickin' off the Tour!
Today we're headin' out to start the first leg of our tour, with the first few stops in North & South Carolina. There are some awesome groups of photographers down that way and we're so excited to hang out with everybody!! We're going to be talking all about creating "loyalty beyond reason" with our clients. This is the kind of relationship we should all be striving for with our clients, one where they think of us as their photographers for life and go out of their way to tell all their friends & family about us. This then gives us the freedom to actually pick the clients we work with and the weddings we want to shoot. You can check out more about it here:

Good Luck Guys! Get the Revolution started!
Yay! I can't wait to see you guys out here in February!
Wow this is sooooo awesome!!! Come to SB too!!!!!
Woo Hoo! Just meet the Marantz and boy were they AWESOME!!!! Thank you so much guys for giving so much of yourselves tonight at the Charleston PUG meeting. They are SO LUCKY to have you two in Connecticut! Many Blessings to you for a Great 2008!
Thank you so much for coming and spending time with us Puggers in the deep south.
It was pleasure meeting you and learning from you.
It's no wonder your clients are your friends... I want to go out to dinner with you too!
Next time you come down this way, allow me to show you around. (not only has mt family lived here for over 300 years, but I'm a history nerd, so I could really show off my city to you.)
Good Luck
Sweet! Wish I was in one of these cities...if you are get out and see these guys talk!!
It's a shame you guys aren't coming to NJ... I'd love to hear some of your workshops. Especially on advanced digital darkroom techniques and incorporating film in your digital workflow... You guys rock !!!!!
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