Picture it. Tuesday, 11:45 am. New Haven, Connecticut.
The day had begun in the most usual of ways. With four dozen roses and cuddling through scary movies over breakfast. "What Lies Beneath" and a smorgasbord of fruit to be specific.
What? That's normal.
It was our four year dating anniversary (yes we still celebrate those and no we're not sure if it's paper or silver this year), and we innocently roused ourselves from the couch with nothing but rainbow wishes and candlelit dreams in store for the day that lay ahead. Yea, good luck with that.
It all started to go pear shaped as we made our way to the cars with grand plans for going out for brunch. We went to start Justin's car. Dead.
Dead, dead, deadski. The kind of dead where you have to have a cop and a construction worker (the cowboy and the Indian chief were busy apparently) help you push your car off the street and into your garage. It may very well have been the low point of my life. And I'm ok with that.
Ok, Plan B. We get into my car, which promptly begins to make some coughing and wheezing sounds like George Burns in sweatpants at the end of a marathon race. Ok, or ME in sweatpants at the end of a marathon race for that matter.
Awesome. Just awesome. This truly cannot be happening. It is actually physically impossible and must violate about seven different laws of physics for TWO cars to die in ONE day. Not so, as it turns out. Yep, you guessed it, dead.
Dead, dead, deadski. Awesome. Juuuuust awesome.
I guess you could say we're extreme kinda people. Whether the good or the bad, whatever happens, when it rains it pours. Bucketloads.
And we're ok with that.
Because the good is always soooo much better than the bad could ever dream of being bad. Times ten. Let's just go ahead and put it out there...our so-called "disasters" are more like other people's case of the hiccups (yes I know it's spelled hiccoughs but I think that's just silly). It is indeed a charmed life we lead. Which, by the way, leads me to the NEXT part of the story. :)
Allow me to proudly introduce to you our new baby (and yes, it is the ONLY new baby we intend on having for a loooong time)

And let me just tell you, the people at
MINI of Fairfield have their stuff to-gether! These guys are definitely OUR kind of people, because we are totally feelin' "loyal beyond reason" right about now. Here are just a FEW of the things I loved about our rep
Fabrizio Reda (if you're even thinking about buying a MINI, you have to go to this guy!!):
1) We called him out of the blue as we were leaving New Haven to see if they had anything in stock. Even though he had just gotten the car in that day and it wasn't technically ready to be test-driven, he just made it work. He put his schedule second to ours and it totally paid off.
2) He is perhaps the most likeable person I've ever met.
3) He let us test drive it by ourselves....twice. :)
4) He had us come back two days later for the "delivery" of our car, at which time it was spotless and he spent a good hour showing us how everything worked.
5) There were Smints (small (MINI if you will) mints) waiting for us on the seat.
6) He gave us two custom MINI key chains. One for each of us.
7) And by far my favorite: this MINI mug with a cookie shaped like a MINI in it. Not just any ole' MINI mind you, but a British racing green one to match our car!! Seriously?!
So there it is Blog World, our "big" (pun TOTALLY intended) news. And this much I can tell you already...Justin and I have two totally different approaches to enjoying a new car. He likes to put on his shades and say things like "Man, did you check out the detail job they did on that engine," while I am quietly content to stick my arms out the window and shout "Wheeeeeeeee!!!" But hey, that's just the ebb & the flow, the yin & the yang that makes us... us. And we're ok with that. :)
Here's to wide open spaces, winding roads, and the wind in your hair.
Motor on, blogworld, motor on.