Ok brace yourselves!! This is gonna be a looooong one! But seriously, how many times does our girl, the one and only lil' Amanda Harris, get married?!?!
As you can see if you visit Carla's blog, I was a mess the ENTIRE weekend and pretty much cried anytime I came within ten feet of Amanda. I saw her at the rehearsal dinner. And I cried. Her dad gave a toast. And I cried. We did yoga and the instructor told us to remember how grateful we are for Miss Amanda. And I knew just how right she was. And I cried. And well...you get the idea.
So without further ado, allow me to present the delicious wedding of Jeffrey & Amanda Havemeyer Harris Herzberger. And just as we suspected, it was AHHHmazing!! (*** We only started shooting at the ceremony, so be sure to check out her main photographer, the incredible and absolutely adorable Daria Bishop, as well as Carla's blog for more of the yummy wedding goodness!)
First, allow me to set the scene. This was the incredible view awaiting us at the ceremony site. Y'know, the real thing. Not just the painting.

Here is Amanda's brother escorting her mom down the aisle.
Then it was Strider's turn to take center stage.
The music began to swell....
And the audience gasped in awe...
as Amanda and her dad emerged from the house.
The ceremony was breathtaking as they got the most perfect day. Ummm pretty much ever.
The groomsmen looked on....
and so did the bridesmaids.
Pretty maids all in a row.
But the MOST important person watching, wasn't really a person at all!
I think this one shot pretty much sums up the incredible energy at the ceremony in one moment for me. Everyone looking at this couple, loving them so much, and hoping so many wonderful things for them (oh dear, here we go again! hold on while I grab some tissues. geez a loo, what a mess!! Carla, I am fanning myself as we speak!) and Jeff & Amanda just trying to take it all in.
It was a pretty emotional day. Let's just put it this way, when she looked over at me with that smile and those tears in the third shot, I had to go "walk it off" as C would say at the side of the house.
But don't worry...there was plenty of smiling too!
And laughing!
Justin grabbed this killer shot of the circle the bridal party formed to bless the rings. They passed the rings around and each person silently said their good wishes for the couple before passing them to the next person. I LOVE this idea!
So I kept looking around trying to find my husband, but he was nowhere to be found! That is, of course, until I discovered his secret hiding spot up in this little window. Which would explain the killer image above!
The bridesmaids in the circle.
Husband & Wife!!
Let's get outta here!
And just grab a second to take it all in.
The first dance...
And dancing with her dad.
Here's to the new Mr & Mrs!!! We love you guys so much and I can't tell you how much it meant to us to be there and share this with you. Your friendship means the world to us and we continue to be grateful for having you in our lives!
But wait! Before I go, allow me to introduce the starting line up of photographers for the day!! First up, the amazing main duo of Daria...
& Andy!!
Ms. Carla Ten Eyck, serving it up ninja style!
But don't worry, she always takes time to make this look good!
Super secret agent,
Mike, who went totally unnoticed with this disappearing trick.
Mr. Marantz rockin' it Oceans 11 style in a seersucker suit. Yes, I said seersucker.
And.....me :)
We are kind of a big deal...
Seriously, we're professionals. I promise. :)