Well...we're back from PatnerCon Chicago where we spent three of the most amazing days ever! One of the many reasons this conference is so incredible is because it's so small (i think there were just over 200 people there this time, and Pictage always sets a limit on the number of people attending) that you can really get a chance to sit down and get to know some of the most amazing photographers in the country.
Two incredible people we got to spend a lot of time hanging out with were our rockin' mentors, Nathan & Amber Holritz. Wow, I'm telling you there just aren't enough words to describe these two! From the very first day we met them they just went completely out of their way to include us and make sure we were having fun. And I only hope they know how much we appreciate that. They simply radiate the love they share for each other, their friends, and their family and it casts a warm glow on everyone lucky enough to be near them. If you ever get the chance to hear them speak, please please do this for yourself. They possess that rare ability to keep you hanging on the edge of your seat waiting for the next word...you'll laugh with them and cry with them and just come out of it better for having had the experience. Thank you guys... for everything!

So, the big message we came back with from this PartnerCon (LA was: be open and sharing...and give lots of HUGS!) was that networking= helping the most people you can without regard for what they can do for you (both Nathan & Amber and David Jay talked about this in their sessions). This really hit home with us and so we decided to come back and put it into action.
So the next time we see you, we're going to ask you what we can do to help you. Whether it's something in your life, your business, your goals...whatever you're working for, think about what we can do to make it even just a little bit easier for you. If it's anything in our power, it's yours!
To kick things off, here's a little "help me, help you" inspiration from Mr. Maguire (**tushy warning: please do not view if you at all mind seeing Cuba from behind)