Mr. & Mrs. Marantz go to Washington!
The DC/Baltimore joint PUG meeting was crazy fun!! We had over 50 photographers there for a seriously packed house, and everybody had so many awesome questions. You could really tell that this was a group that's down with going above & beyond for their clients and finally building the kind of business they can love. Every single day, we get to wake up absolutely in love with what we do. Sure, like everybody else, we're gonna have those days where the world wants to tell us "No"... but that's exactly when we rely on that love for what we do to carry us and keep pushing us through to Yes. And when you get to say that you truly love what you do, believe me those Yes days come far more often than the No's. We met a lot of people in DC, and everywhere on the tour really, who are really struggling with some big choices for their businesses right now. We just wanted to say to all of you that we believe in you. Seriously...the "with our whole hearts" kind of believe in you. And we know that if you can find that love it will carry you to where you need to be. Thank you for sharing so much of yourselves. Just to have you trust us enough to listen is an amazing honor. We can't wait to hear about all the places that you go! Thank you again for touching our lives in so many ways. We hope to always call you friends!
So much love
We also wanted to thank Michael and Geoff of MBK & Associates for being such awesome hosts, for these great pics (which we stole from the DC PUG blog), and for helping us out of a HUGE jam...but more about that later!

oooh.. One more shout out to my lovely friend Hannele (RIT '03!!!) who came out to see us. (she's the one in the middle between Mary and I)

woohoo! yall have fun!
Your business philosophies & strategies make a lot of sense to me. And yes, it's all about how you connect with the client, even if you bring your daughter with you to a meeting and still book weddings! :) Thanks again for spending time with DC PUG!
I'm so sorry I missed it. It would have been about a six hour drive for me but I would have been there if I could. It looks like you guys had a ball!
wish i could have been there! i am moving to dc this summer/fall, i can't wait to meet everyone else. sorry i missed you guys! looks like you guys had fun!
great job guys! glad to hear the tour is going well. will you be presenting the same pep talk to our PUG anytime soon? I know some of us new members would really love to hear what you have to share.
Justin and Mary - just wanted to say thanks for all the insight - I really enjoyed my first PUG meeting - you guys were great!
Thanks so much for coming to DC you guys. Your presentation was inspirational and definitely got me thinking!
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