Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Dinner Club

So tonight our dinner circles came together for one big get together at Skappo's in New Haven. What a rockin' time! We had Carla Ten Eyck, Paul and Krystal, Steve DePino, Matt and Teresa Wagner, and us in the house. All of us were gathered around some *incredible* food and wine, sharing ideas and a ton of laughs. Thank you so much to all our awesome friends who could make it tonight, and I hope even more people can join us next time. So drop us a line if you'd like to get in on all the love. I promise that no one in this group is a lunch table kinda kid, and all are welcome to share in the mischief & merriment. Besides, how else are you going to find out the significance of "two thorns and a rose"? Now, you definitely wanna come!


Studio Foto said...

Hey you beat us on this post but alas you live in New Haven. You even added your custom border, you thorny devil you.

STEVE DePINO said...

Hope we can do it again soon!

Zoë said...

Was so sad I had to miss this one! Hopefully I can join you on the next!

Mary Marantz said...

Z: I know! We missed you! You def have to come to the next one! I'll be calling you!


carla ten eyck said...

I am happy to be in the ranks of Steve DePino, and not be the only photographer caught without a camera! I am looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday!

Unknown said...

Here I demonstrate how NOT to pose for the camera.

Justin Marantz said...

Matt- no way! I think you just look like you're chillin'! Just the laid back, awesome kinda guy that you are!