While we were down home we got to spend a lot of time with my four year old little cousin, Chris, who is also going to be the flower girl for our wedding. What a smart kid! we were constantly blown away by the things she would come up with. For example, after a rousing game of
Candy Land in which our grandma came out the victor, she walked over to shake her hand and said "Congratulations.......this time!" hahah love that competitive spirit! :P
While Justin was taking some pictures of her one morning, he got this sound clip of her talking on his
Nikon D2xs (a very cool function of that camera!) about what she wants to be when she grows up. What she had to say really got us both thinking.
Awww!! I love those! She is definately one bright little girl! Very inspirational post :)
I love this post!! Kinda brings you back down again, after being so caught up in work school, kids, LIFE!! Too cute!
I can't get the sound to play on my computer but she is an absolute doll!
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