Thursday, June 07, 2007


Guess what came in the mail for ME today!?


Sarah Barlow said...

Oh!! So cute!! I'm jealous!! :)
Love the cover you picked too!

Mary Marantz said...

thank you!! I LOVE should totally get one Sarah! I could see you with the yellow polka dots for sure!


Zoë said...

cool! You'll have to model it for us so we can see it action!

Mary Marantz said...



Amanda Harris said...

LOVE IT - I hear the site is launching this week and I can't wait to order one....the cover you got was my favorite although maybe she'll have more when she launches.

Mary Marantz said...

yea i think she's going to. You need a PINK one!!

Krista Photography said...

Oh, I'm so jealous! These bags are so awesome!!

Mary Marantz said...

hey krista!! you should totally get one! they are really awesome...and the best part (well ok, who are we kidding? the covers are obviously the best part!:) is that they are balanced really well so that they still lay flat against your body even when you have all your lenses in it.
she's giving 10% off when the site should check it out!!

JAGstudios said...

so styley, I can't wait to see it! When can we shoot...and get coffee???

Grazier Photography said...

Oooh Im jealous - it's so pretty! Enna

Mary Marantz said...

jacklyn: mmmmm coffee! we totally have to do that soon. we're pretty swamped this weekend, but maybe early next week?

enna: hey girlie!! I could totally see you workin' it in the red cover she has called "Desire" (i think that's what it's called). It seems fitting for a hot mama like you!!

nikki nicole photography said...

oh mine came but i was in nyc so i am waiting fo rit now! did you see the site she now has a cover in my studio colors its a must have and new ones in your mary! right now i am getting the red cover desire!

Jasmine said...

Aren't you just IN LOVE! Move over Justin, the Shootsac is here!! ;)

...totally kidding! :)

Mary Marantz said...

nik: i SAW that and thought of YOU! are you gonna get it?

Jasmine: I sooo AM! I can't wait to shoot with it! haha do you think I could pull it off at our wedding too? i think it would go quite nicely with italian silk. lol!!!

Studio Foto said...

That looks great on you girlfriend! I can't decide which cover I'm going to get- I'm thinking maybe the baroque- it will look great with everything! Is that too "safe?" - Krystal

P.S. Can't wait to see yours in person!