Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A Three Hour Tour...

What can I say? Justin and I live for adventure!! Sunday morning we woke up and decided we just wanted to drive & see where it would take us. Three hours later (add one bus ride and one fateful ferry ride to taste) we found ourselves on a little island known as Martha's Vineyard!!! It turned out to be *quite* the adventure indeed...but hey, at least we got to get some Black Dog gear out of the deal. Special thanks to Don from Sun n' Fun Rentals for helping us find a place to stay that night. If you're ever on the island, he is THE guy to go to for a rockin' Jeep rental!

Check it out!!


Krista Photography said...

It looks like you guys had such fun excursion! I love that the puppy got to go on the adventure :)

Blah Blah said...

Hey guys.. I'm actually coming back in July but for only a quick visit. I am shooting a wedding on Saturday. I'll be back though for a full visit soon. Talk to you guys later!!

- BK

Oh and nice slide show.. made me chuckle.. kee kee

Sarah Barlow said...

Haha! Niiice! Loved the video...the best part was when the song came to "the millionaire and his wife.." Too cute!!

Unknown said...

I love those days! When you really don't have a plan.

Amanda Harris said...

Puppy Puppy Puppy - can't wait to have a big puppy playdate :)

I think Jeff and I need to plan a little adventure once things slow down a bit.


Zoë said...

So entertaining! I love impromtu trips!

Justin Marantz said...

Hey Krista! yea he was soo well behaved too (very un-Cooper like!)...we think the water soothes the savage beast! lol

Justin Marantz said...

Brian- make sure and tell us when you'll be back for a full visit so we can grab some dinner! Be safe man!


Justin Marantz said...

hahah Sarah...if only that millionaire part was true!!

Justin Marantz said...

Hey Laura! Thanks for droppin by! Yea the no-plan days are a ton of fun...but they can be interesting sometimes (like when you have no idea where you're going to stay for the night!)

Justin Marantz said...

AH: puppy play dates must happen! especially where there is swimming involved!

Justin Marantz said...

Zoe: yea this one was def impromptu! all we had were the clothes on our backs!

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! I love that you got stuck over there. Great shots, looks like a good time!

Chicago Wedding Photojournalist said...

THanks for saying hi, my itenerary YTD has included South Carolina, Richmond, Vegas, NYC, Western NY, ya know, keeping busy. Got the family a canoe too and been paddlin them in that enjoying summer for once instead of shooting every weekend - look's like you're havin a little fun as well!

They were on the dance florr for the George Clinton style how low can you go BTW.

carla ten eyck said...

Nice video! I love the Vineyard!! Esp Mad Martha's....;)

Justin Marantz said...

Hey Neil! Nice! Yea, y'know gotta love the good life. :) Paddlin in a canoe sounds pretty fun too. Let us know when you're back down this way...we can grab some dinner.


Anonymous said...

That was SOOOO cute, and I can honestly say I've never seen a dog on a bus before!!! Or a boat for that matter! What a fun adventure, thanks for sharing it!